

The push to improve postsecondary education as a path to opportunity has evolved over the past generation – from a focus on expanding access to expanding access and success and making both more equitable. Now is the time to extend that focus to include value – the returns to students and society.


Browse collections of reports below or visit The Equitable Value Explorer data tool page to learn about where and how students are realizing value when it comes to post-college earnings.

Define. Measure. Act.

The commission has tapped newly available data and insights to propose a new approach for measuring the value of education after high school and to recommend actions that college and university leaders, state and federal policymakers, and students and families can take to improve those returns and make them more equitable.

Final Report

Equitable Value: Promoting Economic Mobility and Social Justice through Postsecondary Education

Action Agenda

Value for Students. Value for Society.

Value includes economic and non-economic returns for students and society. Working with the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP), the commission brought together leading researchers to assess value from different angles and to recommend measures and potential improvements to those measures.